Monday, January 7, 2013

Is It True That Consolidating Credit Card Debt Boost Customer Credit Ratings?

By Guy Quam

What effect does consolidating credit debt have on credit scores? The answer can vary, depending on the consolidation procedures utilized, how many credits records, and whether the credit cards were maintained active after the balances are settled in full.

A credit score and credit file use a number of criteria to provide a credit rating. One is the number of accounts open, and another is the credit limit on each account versus the credit available on each card.

If the account is maintained open after the debt is paid fully then this can lead to an improvement in the credit rating of the person. One of the criteria used to identify the credit score for an individual is the account limitation and balance, with the accessible credit on each and every card an important factor. If the card is paid and kept active then the new credit available is a lot larger and the balance is $0.

If a credit card account is closed after consolidating credit debt then this may actually hurt the credit score provided by the credit rating firm. One of the issues utilized to find out the ranking is the number of accounts, and another is the amount of time that the individual has had open credit accounts. If accounts are closed make certain that these are exactly the same accounts that were opened most recently. Closing out the oldest account on the credit report is actually a huge mistake.

Keeping one or two card accounts open can be a wise step, but ensure that these accounts are handled effectively. Once the credit debt has been consolidated the cards should only be utilized to produce a small purchase every month or so. Send payment for the full amount quickly so that the account balance is back to zero. This will keep the accounts open and active without the threat of over the limit charges or past due payment fees.

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