Monday, January 7, 2013

Breaking Down 0 Interest Credit Card Offers

By Wayne Ball

You have certainly seen the large amount of 0% credit card offers on the market, but you may be wondering if they are good for your situation. Keep reading to find out if these cards are a good idea for you.

Any time you apply for a credit card or a loan, be sure to look at your budget. Figure out your monthly expenses and how much you can afford to spend each month. It is important to always live within your means, especially with credit cards.

Perhaps the most important thing to find out about with interest free credit cards is the zero percent interest time period. Credit cards will generally offer low interest rates for three months to a year and then will begin charging interest after that. It's important to know the details.

One thing you should not forget about is checking the interest rate that will take effect once the interest free period is over. Sometimes, people are so focused on the interest free period that they don't bother to check what the rate will be afterwards. Know what rate you will pay once the interest free period is over.

Another issue is a credit card's late payment policy. Some cards have a no tolerance policy and will immediately begin charging interest if you are ever late on a payment. The zero interest term does you no good if you are late and then have to start paying interest.

Furthermore, be sure to find out what fees will be charged to your zero interest credit card. You may be transferring or consolidating other debts, but it might not be worth it if the card you are applying for charges expensive monthly fees or transfer fees.

The most important thing to think about when applying for credit cards is your budget. Know what you can afford to spend every month and include your debt payments in your budget. If you don't have any debt, be sure to pay off your balance monthly. If you are trying to get out of debt, try to pay off whatever you buy on your card in any month and a little more to pay down your balance.

Using 0% credit card offers can be beneficial. However, you should know the potential dangers with credit cards and be sure not to take on more debt than you will ever be able to pay off.

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